Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Have you ever stood near railroad tracks and watched a train pass by? As the engine approaches you and then passes by you, you notice a change in the pitch of the sound of the engine. This is due to the length of the sound waves being different as the source of the sound comes toward you and then goes away from you. Light waves behave in a similar fashion. As the light source moves away from you, the light waves coming toward you will shift to the red spectrum which is known at the “red shift”. This is known as the “Doppler Effect”.

Scientists have noticed a red shift in light coming from stars for many years now. They have also noticed that the further away the stars are that the more is the shift towards the red spectrum. Based on this knowledge, a number of “theoretical physicists” have proposed a theory which they call the “Big Bang” theory. They state that since the light waves coming from all stars have a red shift, that all stars are moving away from each other because of an enormous explosion that occurred 13 billion years ago. They further state that all the matter in the universe (the trillions of massive stars) came from a tiny speck smaller than an atom. The laws of physics state that matter and energy are interrelated and can change from one form to another. No known laws state that matter and energy can come from nothing.

SOMEONE had to start it...
If they had suggested that many galaxies, with their dense black holes, had merged together, became unstable, and then blew up, it would have been a much more acceptable theory.

How is it possible for such brilliant physicists, with their high IQ’s and extensive educations, could possibly be wrong? We may never know why they arrived at their conclusions. Perhaps they have huge egos, have an agenda, or became so obsessed with one possible reason for the red shift that they never bothered to look for any other reasons. It is a frequent occurrence for people to never deviate from one line of thought.

There is another reason why the red shift in light waves can occur. At noon, on a sunny day, the sky appears blue and the clouds white. However, at sundown, the skies and clouds appear pink, then orange, and finally red as the sun sinks in the horizon. Why is this? It is because at noon the light waves from the sun pass through very little atmosphere. However, at sunset the light waves have to pass through the atmosphere at an angle and therefore pass through much more of the atmosphere.

The molecules of matter in the atmosphere affect the length of the rays of light and they are shifted towards the red spectrum, thus the glorious red sunsets on many evenings. The same phenomenon is true of the sun itself. Rays of light coming from what we see as its sides is redder than the rays coming from what we see as its center. This shift is called the “Compton Effect”. While the Doppler Effect depends upon the speed of the light source, the Compton Effect depends upon the matter that the light waves have to pass through.

Arthur H. Compton -- Effecting like no one's business!
Intergalactic space was once thought to be empty. However, it is now known that it is filled with clouds of gas that contain molecular hydrogen. This hydrogen comes from free electrons and photons. When light from stars hits these free electrons they produce the Compton Effect red shift. Therefore, if the red shift is due to the Compton Effect and not the Doppler Effect, there very likely could never have been a “Big Bang”.

The theory that states “The more distant that stars are from us, the faster they are moving away from us as noticed by the redder rays of light.” can be better explained by the fact that “The more distant that stars are from us, the more matter that the rays have to pass through.” Also, having stars continually increasing their speed defies the basic law of motion which states “An object in motion tends to remain in motion, moving in a straight line, at constant speed, unless acted upon by external forces”.

There are other problems with the Big Bang theory. Some objects in space are so large that they could not have been formed in the time the Big Bang existed. Some elements also require a longer time to form. Also, if all matter is supposed to be moving apart from all other matter, why do stars collect in galaxies and why do galaxies collide with each other.

Billions and billions of wrong...?
When Carl Sagan was once asked if he believed that the red shift was due to the Compton Effect, he became upset and said that such information would change everything. Did he imply that the “Big Bang” theory was wrong? The problem with having erroneous thoughts is that many people refuse to admit that they are wrong. We have always seen this in politics and now we notice this line of thinking in many people in various fields of science.


The early years

Judy Brown watched the program on television with a keen interest. It was about conditions on land, in waters, and in the air during the early years of the twentieth century. Much good earth was washed away by erosion, leaving the ground filled with gullies and bare soil unfit for growing future crops. Wind erosion in Oklahoma and other areas left the farms useless. Water in rivers and lakes was contaminated and void of fish. The tree trunks were dark with soot that had accumulated on them from the smog in the air. Environmentalists worked hard and eventually they made the people aware of such bad conditions. Laws were enacted and significant improvements made everywhere. Environmentalism was a good word.

Judy was so overwhelmed by the good work done that she decided that she wanted to be an environmentalist. After completing high school, she enrolled at the nearest college that offered her the opportunity to begin her career.

The endangered species and wet lands

Professor Timothy Williams welcomed the students to his class and began his discussions by listing the improvements made during the twentieth century to improve conditions everywhere. He then remarked that even though we had made significant progress a lot more needed to be done and that they would be the ones making those improvements.

He then listed a number of animal species that had gone extinct, or were going extinct, and implied that it was all due to human activities. One student said that he read that over 99% of all species that ever existed were now extinct and occurred prior to the existence of humans. Professor never bothered to answer the remark but instead continued with his lesson.

Professor Williams said that it is necessary to establish a lot more wetlands to protect animal and bird life. Judy spoke up and said that some land belonging to her grandfather had a little water on it when it rained hard but that it soon dried up when the rains stopped. She added that the government had seized most of his property, without any compensation, ruling that it was a wetland. The act removed much of his best farmland and caused her grandparents a considerable hardship.

Professor Williams’ only comment was that it was the price we have to pay to protect our environment. Judy was miffed but held in her anger.

The professor in a later class took up the subject of overpopulation, saying that it would soon be necessary for the government to make rules requiring abortions as a means of controlling the size of the population. His comment drew a number of gasps from the students which he chose to ignore.
Judy raised her hand to be recognized. When Professor Williams acknowledged her, she commented that people long ago said that the world would soon be so overpopulated that everyone would starve but that it never happened. She then said that she had noticed that there was a lot of land lying useless that could be turned into farm land if necessary. She then added that for the government to force people to have abortions was an evil act.

The professor glared at her to put her in her place and to discourage any other students from speaking their minds.

The cause of global warming

Judy was a little cautious about the course since she had heard comments about the subject both pro and con. Her worst fears were confirmed when her instructor entered the classroom.

Professor Mark Rabinsky entered the classroom and walked over to the blackboard. Picking up a piece of chalk he wrote in large letters on the chalkboard “Don’t kill. Stop global warming.”
Facing the students, he remarked that it would be up to everyone, including them, to enforce these words. Using an easel with a large pad of paper, he unfolded each page showing everything he said was proven facts.

The first page showed Mann’s “hockey stick” chart which described rapidly increasing global temperatures, especially during the latter fifty years. The second chart showed rising temperatures in many major cities during the last century. Other pages had attached pictorials, showing ocean waters inundating all coastal cities rendering them useless for habitation. Other pictorials showed floods swamping large areas, parched fields with dying crops, and starving people walking along roads.
Judy thought to herself that this was a lot of bull.

Professor Rabinski went on to tell the class what was causing all this misery. He said that the burning of fossil fuels released carbon dioxide into the air which trapped heat near the earth, causing temperatures to rise.

One of the students remarked that Mann’s chart did not show high temperatures a thousand years ago while Lamb’s chart did. He added that records kept in churches and other locations described ideal conditions at that time with abundant crops growing in northern Europe over longer periods and populations of poor people increased during this time. He then asked why warm weather was considered bad when apparently it wasn’t and how could it have been warm back then when fossils fuels were not being used.

Professor Rabinski’s face reddened and he screamed at the poor lad, saying that Lamb was a liar and Mann’s data was real. He said that he didn’t want to hear any more uncalled-for comments from anyone else during the rest of the course or they would fail.

Judy got up from her seat, walked over to the professor’s desk, slammed her book down on the desk, told the professor to stick it you-know-where, and walked out of the classroom. She drove over to the school of nursing and enrolled to become a registered nurse.


(First written October 14, 2009)

  • The first cornerstone is to increase the ignorance of the people. 
  • The second cornerstone is to promote the immorality of the people. 
  • The third cornerstone is the destruction of our financial system. 
  • The fourth cornerstone is the weakening of our physical structure.

The socialists in our government are attempting to alter its basic structure from a capitalistic system, based on the Constitution, to that of a socialist society. They possess a fanatical belief that the government must control every aspect of our lives. They have been attempting to make this change for many years and now have accelerated their attempts. Since they realize that they cannot inform the American people outright of their plans, they have adapted a strategy of tricking the people into accepting socialism without the people actually knowing what is happening. How is it possible for these socialists to trick the people? It is far easier than most people realize because they are not aware of the changes being made. The change towards socialism is taking place by successfully employing the four cornerstones mentioned above and described in detail below.

This process is commonly known by the phrase “The dumbing down of the people”. It is not possible to make wise people dumber. However, the children and grandchildren of those older, wiser people are not being taught useful information. Most students now graduating from high school know very little math, grammar, history, geography or science. The education level of students in the United States has now fallen to the level of third world nations. The National Education Association has already been taken over by socialists and a few communists. History books have been rewritten to exclude those facts that refer to our independence and freedom. Instead, they now contain information explaining how the socialists wished events had happened rather than how they actually happened. Some examples are: Christopher Columbus came to America to enslave the native people. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were evil men because they owned slaves, Negroes were the people actually responsible for most of our inventions, and other ridiculous articles. Studies on world geography are essentially nonexistent. English and mathematics are being taught in ways which make learning these subjects boring and difficult to understand. Current events studies favor socialist articles and either omit or discourage learning the truth. The net result of these changes is that a large number of people, who are middle-aged or younger, are totally ignorant about most subjects. To make matters even worse, many of these people are not only ignorant but they are also not concerned about what is happening around the world. These are
the people whom the Socialists are able to fool into believing that socialist programs are good for them. With the success of this cornerstone, it has become much easier for the socialists in power to convince the people that the other cornerstones to establishing socialism are best for them and the country.

We have always had some people with low moral standards. During the 1930’s, 1940’s, and 1950’s this type of behavior was strictly not tolerated by the general population and there were not that many of the “bad guys”. However, since that period of time, socialists have made changes by imposing restrictions on our police and courts that have been favorable to the criminals. Many judges are socialists who ignore the Constitution and instead make decisions based on their personal beliefs. This is true of some members now sitting on the Supreme Court. Also, acts of immorality which are not criminal in nature have actually been encouraged. Most movie actors and actresses think nothing of committing sinful acts such as drunkenness, drug use, and adultery. And yet, their adoring fans still think highly of them and try to emulate their ways. During World War II everyone would pick up hitchhiking servicemen on leave. Now, many hitchhikers are criminals who could likely kill you to take your car. Children were able to play in their own neighborhoods without fear of being harmed. People are no longer allowed to practice their own religion in public but must remain confined to their own churches and homes. How long will it be before even that is also banned? The practice of lying to the public in the media is highly encouraged, for this is the way in which socialism is spread.
These first two cornerstones have already been successfully completed by the socialist leaders of our country. At this time they are feverishly working to complete the next two.

This destruction, sad to say, began during the administration of President George W. Bush. He wasn’t personally responsible but he was very naïve and he surrounded himself with financial advisors who were actually working with the socialists to help destroy our financial system. While they were betraying Bush, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and the group ACORN were actively destroying the housing industry by forcing the banking institutions to lend money to people who could not pay the mortgages and actually had no intention of doing so. There was a young black leader who helped to organize the group ACORN. How was ACORN responsible for this financial collapse? President Jimmy Carter signed a bill allowing groups to invade mortgage companies and force them to grant loans to poor people. ACORN took advantage of this bill and helped bring about the financial collapse. The name of the leader who organized ACORN is Barack Obama. This man, who is by far the worst president in history, still blames Bush for the financial collapse while making every effort he can do as President to hinder the economy. These same socialists then pushed through the legislation to loan money to banks, car manufacturers, and especially to unions for their retirement benefits. Now the government is actively pursuing two other avenues of government control. The first is to take over the health care system, controlling the actions of the doctors and hospitals and the care of the patients. They plan to pay for the program by reducing benefits to people, especially the aged, and obtaining the money for the program by imposing fines, penalties, and taxes on nearly everyone. The second further avenue of government control of our financial system is through the fraudulent global warming project. The truth is that mankind does absolutely nothing to affect global climate change. That is caused by the heat received from the sun and by other factors such as volcanic activity and ocean current changes. The socialist leaders know that this is a lie but they are still continuing to pursue the issue because the money that they will get from the people through increased fuel costs will finance their push to bring us into total socialist government control of the people. There will be enormous fines placed on power companies and other industries. If you now pay $200 to $300 a month for your power bill, expect to pay $400 to $600 a month. Middle income people will severely feel the effects of this program. However, low income people well be thoroughly devastated and will have to do without heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. Increased transportation costs will cause much higher prices in foods and other commodities.

Starting with President Jimmy Carter, all of our socialist presidents have sought to weaken our military to the point that they are no longer an effective deterrent against aggression. It required the efforts of the incoming Republican administrations to rebuild our military. We no longer have a strong manufacturing economy and have become a nation of importers instead. During the Second World War we were able to convert our civilian manufacturing plants into wartime facilities. Now we no longer even have that option as we now import almost everything from China. Socialists refuse to allow our oil companies to drill for more oil on public lands. This oil is readily available. Environmentalists are not allowing companies to build new refineries to process oil. We need to produce most of our oil so that we are no longer dependent on oil from the mid-east. This is being done in the cause of environmentalism which is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the American people.

When these four cornerstones have been completed we will then be a completely socialist nation. What does that mean? It means that the socialist leaders will have the power to do away with everything that our ancestors have fought for. The Constitution will be replaced with the Socialist Manifesto, the government will control all manufacturing, people will receive wages determined by the government and not by self-interest, religion will be limited to secret meeting places, ambition will be eliminated, and this country will become a second-rate nation dictated to by other socialist nations. People will have to endure a lifestyle of just getting by and will no longer have anything to look forward to. We will then no longer enjoy the freedom of living in the greatest country on earth.


(Written October 14, 2009)

The founders of our Constitution realized that the people of their new nation did not wish to abide by the same tyrannical laws that were being used to control the lives of the people living in Europe at that time. After all, the people had come to America to escape that kind of life. If the monarchy of one of those European countries believed in a certain faith (Catholic or Protestant) then all of their subjects were expected to adopt that same faith. If one refused to do so, he or she could be jailed, tortured, or even killed. If the people disagreed with that policy or any other policies that the monarchy imposed upon them, they were not free to express their disapproval. They dared not speak out against any injustices for fear of what might happen to them.

Knowing of these injustices, our founders crafted the First Amendment to the Constitution. It reads as follows: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Since our country did not have a king or queen as a ruler, the governing body referred to in the First Amendment is Congress. Specifically it states that Congress shall not pass any laws forcing the people to adopt any specific faith. It also states that Congress shall not pass any laws preventing people from practicing the religion of their choice. It states further that Congress shall not pass any laws preventing people who have grievances from speaking, writing, or assembling together to air their opinions. The First Amendment does not say that the people themselves cannot express their own religious and political beliefs in public. It does say however that the Government cannot stop people from expressing their own religious and political beliefs.

The judicial branch of our government, the Supreme Court, has the power to impose the laws written by Congress and signed into law by the President. The courts were not provided with the power to change those laws so that they coincided with their own personal beliefs. However, that is exactly what the socialist members of the Supreme Court have done when they “interpreted” the First Amendment to restrict religious activities in this country. Following are examples of what socialist judges believe in: No one shall practice their religion in any public place where anyone else can see or hear them. For anyone to discuss their faith in public means that they are forcing their own beliefs upon everyone else.

No one shall display an object of worship (such as a cross) in public because you will be offending people who are not of your faith. It is permissible however to violate an object of worship (such as a cross of statue of Mary) by smearing it with feces or immersing it in urine. That is considered an expression of art, can be displayed in public and is approved of by the socialists. Freedom of speech is defined as shouting and drowning out speakers who disapprove of socialist ideas, burning or walking on the American flag, using profanity in public either orally or in writing, or using the media to distort the truth and to spread lies. Their beliefs deliberately exclude the true meaning of the First Amendment as our forefathers intended it.

As we continue to lose more of our freedoms, we will move ever closer to becoming a true socialist country.


Muhammad was born at Mecca in 570 in a Quraish tribe that ruled over the city and the surrounding area. His father died before his birth and his mother was left to raise him. Mothers of the Quraish tribe believed that the desert air, unlike the air in the cities, was healthier, so she handed over her son to a Bedouin woman who nursed him for two years. She then returned the boy to his mother who insisted that the Bedouin woman, Halima, take him back to the desert for two more years. During this time, Muhammad experienced epileptic seizures and was returned to his mother at the age of five. His mother soon died and Muhammad was placed in the care of his grandfather.

However, his grandfather died two years later and Muhammad was raised by his uncle, Abu Talib. This constant shifting from one caretaker to another could also have affected him emotionally. At age 12 Muhammad accompanied his uncle on his trips and tended to his uncle’s goats and sheep. He later wrote that being a shepherd was a prerequisite to being a prophet.

When he was 25 he worked for an older wealthy widow merchant, Khadija, accompanying her caravan to Syria. The widow offered to marry him and he accepted her proposal.

By age 40 Muhammad was disturbed by the idolatry and moral debasement of the people of Mecca. At that time he began spending much time in caves around Mecca, meditating about what should be the one true religion. He began having dreams and visions while in trances and wrote down his thoughts. Sometimes he despaired and even had thoughts about suicide. These were not the actions of a person in control of his emotions. Once, when contemplating suicide he believed the angel Gabriel appeared and told him that he was a prophet of Allah and that he should return and reclaim the lost people of the land. It was at this time that Muhammad began spreading his revelations and gathering the followers of Islam.

Ten years later his wife died. Just two months later he married a widow and then a seven-year-old girl. He would eventually marry 15 women, even though Muslims are only allowed to marry just 4 women. He explained to his followers that Allah had made an exception for only the prophet.

A long list of “holy wars” began as he and his followers spread out into surrounding areas. Those people who were conquered in these battles were given three choices: accept Islam, pay tribute, or die by the sword. As a result of this method of forced conversion, many Christian churches were turned into mosques to please the conquering Muslims. Many Christians not willing to abide by Muhammad’s demands were killed. All of the possessions of the conquered people were divided among the Muslim, with Muhammad getting one-fifth of the loot for himself. Thus began the teachings of Jihad and the killings for the cause of Islam. Muhammad told his followers that to die, while fighting for Islam, was a great honor and that those who died would go to eternity in Paradise and be surrounded by virgins.

Muhammad died at age 64, partially poisoned by Zainah, his adopted son’s ex-wife in a failed attempt because he spit out some of the poisoned food. In the year following his death, Muslims engaged in numerous battles to subdue Arab tribes. Jihad continued and the Muslims conquered Palestine and Syria and spread on into North Africa.

Since then Islam has spread throughout the world. Many Muslims have now reverted to acts of terrorism to kill any people who are unwilling to accept their version of Islam.

Following are quotes from the Koran:
  • “Truly God loves those who fight.” 
  • ”Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem.” 
  • ”Chop off their hands and chop off their fingertips.” 
  • ”When you meet the unbelievers, chop off their heads.” 
  • ”Fight and slay those who don’t convert wherever you find them.” 
  • ”Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.” 
  • ”Those who follow Muhammad are ruthless to unbelievers.” 
  • ”Those who reject Islam are the ‘vilest of creatures’ and thus deserve no mercy.” 
  • ”Fight them until Islam reigns supreme throughout the world.”

The word “Islam” does not mean peace.

It means “submission” to Allah.


How often do you buy merchandise that has a label saying “Made in USA”? Very seldom, right?

Why do you think this is? And why are so many people out of work? My thoughts on this subject are as follows:

Now that you have filled out the request forms, we will send you the forms you need to fill out to find out what's in them.
Government Rules and Regulations, with the accompanying red tape, make it extremely difficult to start and maintain a business. Business people are burdened by ridiculous regulations and mounds of paperwork that greatly hinder their ability to focus on the real business of running a company. Some small companies have actually gone out of business rather than having to contend with the red tape.
Taxes on Businesses are used by federal, state, and local governments to obtain revenue which is often used for spending on wasteful programs. The problem is that businesses merely recoup the tax money by raising prices on their goods and services, thereby passing on the tax burden to their customers. The net result is that the people are the real ones being taxed. Because of high taxes, the textile industries had moved from New England to the south where taxation was lower. Now they’ve moved to China and other parts of Southeast Asia.

With apologies to Snidely Whiplash, a comparatively nice guy!
Company Owners and Management, because of their selfish greed and desire for power, are also responsible. They pay themselves huge salaries and bonuses while paying their working staff insufficient wages. This attitude opens the door to unions moving into their companies (following below). Since they cannot control fixed costs, they lower flexible costs by firing some employees and forcing the remaining employees to work ever harder and faster. This plan results in improving quarterly earnings and providing bonuses for management. However, the result is temporary. Soon they take the same action again and some businesses actually downsize into non-existence. A more profitable course of action is to shut the manufacturing plant down and simply become an importing firm, buying cheap merchandise from China and selling it at the same high prices. Often the merchandise is disappointingly poor in quality.

And don't get me started on the Bureaucrat Unions!
Labor Unions long ago were necessary because company owners were paying their workers low wages while expecting them to work long hours in dangerous working conditions. Conditions and pay did improve for the workers which was a good thing. However, since those early years, unions have grown so powerful that they are now harmful to the welfare of this country. They are no longer interested in just helping the labor force. They have been taken over by corrupt gangsters and socialist bosses. Their demands are totally unreasonable. Union wages are now ridiculously high compared with other workers. Retirement benefits are outrageously high to the point that companies and local governments are going out of business by agreeing to their demands. Union heads have a big control of our government and are using their powers to influence politicians to do their bidding. Of course the workers support the unions, often to the point of being willing to commit criminal behavior, because they do not want to lose any of their wages and benefits. These actions have encouraged companies, many of them with decent owners and managers, to shut down their businesses and become importers of goods from China.

At least SOMEONE is still making them...
All of the above conditions have resulted in our country becoming a nation of importers instead of the great manufacturing country it once was. And our past presidents, as well as most politicians, have allowed this to happen. Unless action is taken to correct the situation, we will continue our downslide into becoming a second-rate country.


(This writing April, 2015)

There have been numerous discussions by many environmentalists concerning global warming (now referred to as climate change) but thus far none of them have presented any factual information to substantiate their claims. Making accusations is not the same as presenting facts. Many of these “pseudo-intellectual environmentalists” have actually resorted to relying on deliberate falsehoods as a means of frightening people into believing their predictions. There has not been a single instance where anyone, either pro or con about the issue, has presented all of the known facts at one time to either substantiate or repudiate their claims. Most information is doled out to the public in snippets so that no one is able to visualize the total picture and be able to arrive at their own rational conclusions. The subject is like a picture puzzle, only one piece shown to the public at a time. It is only when all of the pieces have been put together that one can see the whole picture and to know the truth.
My purpose for writing this article is to present actual facts, showing how changes in our solar system and changes occurring here on our own planet can influence global warming or cooling. It is my further intention to disprove the inaccurate claims made by these environmentalists. What is global warming and cooling? The earth is warmed by heat energy, in the form of short wave lengths of light, radiated by the sun and absorbed by the earth’s surface. The amount of heat energy reaching earth is never constant due to a number of factors. Listed below are descriptions of these factors.

The orbit of our planet around the sun does not follow a true circular path. Instead, the path varies, being more elliptical at times and then going back to being more circular. This cycle occurs about every 100,000 years. At present the distance of the earth from the sun varies from 92,000,000 to 94,000,000 miles. At other times our planet may be further away from the sun. As the earth gets closer to the sun it receives more heat energy from the sun and becomes hotter and as it gets further away from the sun it receives less heat energy and becomes colder. This variation in heat energy reaching our planet affects long-term climate changes. This is why we experience extremely cold glacial periods about every 100,000 years (refer to chart 2 on temperatures in cold areas of the earth). The next glacial period will occur in about 50,000 years from now.


If you were to spin a top on a table at a high speed it would remain upright (or at 0 degrees tilt) for a short while. However, as the top slows, it will begin to tilt and to wobble. At present the angle of the earth’s tilt is about 23 degrees from vertical. However, that angle of tilt varies due to the wobbling effect. Therefore, the tilt of the earth’s axis may be less or more than 23 degrees at times. Since there is a tilt of the axis, the northern hemisphere experiences warmer weather in June, July, and August and colder weather in December, January, and February. However, the southern hemisphere experiences temperatures exactly the opposite during those times. The reason for this is that the northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun in the summer and we have more hours of direct sunlight while in the winter it is tilted away from the sun and we receive fewer hours of sunlight. Also, the sun’s rays have to travel through more of the atmosphere in the winter and thus are not as warming. As the tilt of the earth’s axis becomes greater or lesser due to the wobbling effect, we experience greater or lesser amounts of heat energy reaching us. The time for one complete cycle in the wobble occurs about every 23,000 years.

The sun’s energy originates at its core where, under great pressure, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium atoms. The hydrogen atoms used weigh slightly more than the one helium atom that they form. The difference in this change in weight is converted to energy according to Einstein’s equation which states that the energy produced equals the mass that was lost times the square of the speed of light (E = MC²). The core of the sun is millions of degrees Fahrenheit while the surface is about 10,000 degrees. Solar flare-ups are the result of the hotter inner material breaking through the surface of the sun. When this occurs, the overall temperature of the sun’s surface becomes hotter and the earth receives more heat from the sun since it is exposed to these higher temperatures. This is similar to adding more wood to a campfire. When there are more solar flare-ups the earth experiences warmer weather. Solar flare-up cycles vary about every 12 years but larger changes, lasting hundreds of years, can also occur. Examples of these events occurred when the earth warmed up about 2000 years ago and then again from 900AD to 1300AD. There was far less solar flare-up activity from 1300AD to 1850AD which was known as “The Little Ice Age”. During the warmer periods mentioned, people in Europe thrived because they were able to grow many crops over the longer growing seasons and in areas farther north than they can now. However, during “The Little Ice Age”, crops failed in the cold, damp climate and many people died due to starvation and illnesses. Therefore, it is a known fact that warmer weather is actually helpful to mankind while colder weather is very detrimental to our well-being. This proves that the hysterical rhetoric that people hear from the pseudo-intellectual environmentalists every day about the dangers of global warming is not true. Certain socialist billionaires in America and elsewhere are pushing this agenda and many people in the science community are doing their bidding. If these people
succeed with this propaganda, it will allow them to gain financial control of the world by controlling fossil fuels (carbon credits).


More shade and "Greenhouse" gases than you can imagine!
When volcanoes erupt some of them spew out a considerable amount of ash into the atmosphere. The larger ash particles settle out quickly on nearby areas while the lighter small dust particles remain in the upper atmosphere for much longer times. Mt. St. Helens, while causing a considerable amount of damage to the surrounding areas when it erupted, is still considered to have been a relatively small volcano when compared with giant eruptions in the past. When Mt. Toba erupted 72,000 years ago it emitted over a thousand times as much dust into the atmosphere as did Mt. St. Helens. There was so much dust in the upper atmosphere around the world that it blotted out much of the sun’s rays, causing the earth to go into a deep-freeze cycle. A considerable amount of the plant and animal life at that time died, decreasing the existing human population by as much as 99% according to genetic studies. Smaller volcanoes do cause some changes in our weather patterns, a fact that needs to be taken into account.

Surface currents at present
Changes in the direction and heat content of the ocean currents can affect the climates of the land masses that they surround. Warm ocean currents keep southern Europe much warmer than areas in Siberia at the same latitude. These changes are brought about indirectly by changes in solar flares.
In summary then, while all of the above factors have a significant impact in changes of the earth’s climate, they are all beyond the control of mankind.


One important fact to note is this: As carbon dioxide is being produced, either by mankind or by nature, it is also being absorbed by all plant life for their growth. As more carbon dioxide is produced, it simply results in more carbon dioxide becoming available for intake by plants. This stimulates plant growth, just as it did during the Carboniferous Period 300 million years ago when most of the fossil fuels were produced. This fact has been proven in hot houses using propane for heat. Plants in these hot houses grew at a much faster rate than plants in similar hot houses using only electrical heat. The combustion of propane produces carbon dioxide which is taken in by the plants in the hot houses. It is a logical conclusion then that if mankind were to severely reduce the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere that it would only hinder the growth rate of plants.

Carbon dioxide is a molecule made up of carbon and oxygen. Being a more complex molecule it is more unstable than oxygen and nitrogen molecules. When long ultraviolet rays, emitted
from the earth’s surface, strike the molecules in the atmosphere, they are absorbed by carbon dioxide molecules but not by nitrogen and oxygen molecules. However, it needs to be mentioned that these carbon dioxide molecules cannot build up heat but instead release heat just as quickly as they absorb it, going outward in all directions. The net effect therefore is negligible, considering the tiny quantity of carbon dioxide available in the atmosphere. NASA once was an organization concerned with putting rockets and men into space. Since the year 2009 however, the space program has been severely cut back. NASA is now in the business of promoting the cause of the environmentalists by engaging in teaching school children to believe in information that is simply not true. Children are being taught that nitrogen and oxygen gases cannot absorb heat and that only “greenhouse gases”, such as carbon dioxide, are able to do so. What NASA is referring to is only the radiating infrared waves that are absorbed by “greenhouse gases”. For some reason, they fail to mention that all gases can absorb heat by other means. As air comes in contact with the earth’s warm surfaces it absorbs some of that heat. The heated air then rises and displaces the cooler air above which then moves downward to absorb more heat from the earth’s surfaces. This process is called conduction and convection and all gases are involved.

The makeup of dry gases is as follows: 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.036% carbon dioxide, and 0.004% other gases. As can be seen, carbon dioxide constitutes a very tiny portion of the atmosphere (see Chart 1 attached). Our atmosphere is not dry however, containing water vapor in varying amounts which is constantly changing in volume. Outside of deserts and rain forests the amount of water vapor varies from 2% to 4%. For purposes of discussion, we can use the figure of 3% to represent an average amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Using the figure of 3% we can see that the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is about 83 times as much as is carbon dioxide. Also, water vapor is about 2.22 times better at retaining heat as is carbon dioxide (specific heat of 0.444 for water and 0.200 for carbon dioxide). Therefore, water vapor is about 184 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. As an example, if the content of water vapor in the atmosphere changed from 3% to 2.98%, that small change would be just as effective as a greenhouse gas as all the carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere. This single fact alone is sufficient proof to disprove all claims being made by environmentalists that carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels is destroying the earth.

The Pacific Ocean from the International Space Station
Another point of contention is this: If water vapor contains so much heat energy, then why haven’t we bothered to measure the heat content of the oceans at all locations and at all depths? All that water contains a lot of heat energy! The heat contained in the atmosphere is insignificant by comparison. Air temperatures recorded at most urban locations are higher now than when temperatures were first being kept at the latter part of the nineteenth century. This is because the areas are now surrounded by much more energy-absorbing materials. They do not reflect temperatures outside of city limits and therefore should not be used for comparison studies. We have no accurate temperature data prior to when we first started collecting temperature data (it is indirect guess work). Actually, the hottest weather during this period was during the 1930’s when the “dust bowl” in Oklahoma and other areas occurred. During that time we had far less industry and lower carbon dioxide levels then we have now. Also, during the war years (1941-1945) we had tremendous industrial expansion (and more carbon dioxide being produced) and yet we had cooler weather. The environmentalists cleverly omit this contradicting information in their reports.

"The oceans WILL rise!  The deserts WILL grow!  Devastation guaranteed! The computer models are NEVER wrong!"
And yet, in spite of all these facts, why are so many “environmental scientists” fanatically predicting an end to our way of life as we know it if we don’t stop spewing so much carbon dioxide into the air? Some of these people have even resorted to such extremes as to making the claim that carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas. Carbon monoxide, formed by incomplete combustion of fuels, is poisonous, not carbon dioxide. These people are certainly not ignorant, having obtained advanced degrees. However, many people who condemn the use of fossil fuels do not have scientific backgrounds and are extremely ignorant. A prime example of this ignorance is the profusion of Hollywood actors running around the country, condemning the American way of life. They do not realize that they are destroying the lives of the very people who are supporting their wealthy life styles. “Pseudo-intellectual environmentalists” are being controlled by a few billionaires who are seeking to destroy our economy and our way of life so that this country can be remolded into a socialist state. They seek to accomplish these aims by legislating unrealistic and ridiculous changes in our laws to either reduce or eliminate the use of fossil fuels and to also impose huge fines and taxes upon our industries and power plants. These changes are being pursued fanatically by evil politicians and, if forced upon us, would result in totally decimating the living conditions of the middle and lower classes. Prices of food, transportation, and energy to heat and cool homes, and many other necessities would become unaffordable.


Many people in the science community claim that modern man originated in Africa and migrated from there to other parts of the world. Those people migrating out of Africa would have had dark skin coloring, dark eyes and black hair, all of which are the result of possessing dominant genes. Many people in northern climates tend to have fair skin coloring, blue eyes and blond hair, all of which are the result of possessing recessive genes. People with dominant genes cannot produce offspring with recessive genes. If there had not been any humans living north of Africa, then it would have been impossible for Negroes to have produced Caucasian and Oriental people. Furthermore, If people having only dominant genes mate with people having only recessive genes their children will each have both dominant and recessive genes. However, these children will not have blue eyes and blond hair. It is only when people with both dominant and recessive genes mate will some of their children have a chance to have traits caused by recessive genes.

Louis Leakey located early specimens of human-like life forms in Africa. He chose to dig in the location of the African rift where the ground from long ago was uplifted by the upheaval in the rift. Also, the arid climate was ideal for preserving specimens. Therefore, this was a logical location to look for evidence of life from long ago. Perhaps if people were to dig in other locations around the world deep enough they may be able to find similar specimens. It is probable that early human life could have first occurred in other areas of the world (such as in Iraq in the fertile delta area surrounded by rivers) and migrated outward from there into Europe, Africa and other parts of Asia. That would certainly explain why dominant and recessive genes occur in certain areas around the world.

Approximate dispersal of Y-Chromosome Markers

People migrating northward would tend to develop fair skin coloring and hair because that area was colder with shorter days. People who migrated to eastern Asia probably developed slightly darker skins and eyes that were narrower to adjust to windy conditions. People who migrated into hot regions, such as Africa and India, would have developed dark skins to protect them from the intense rays of the sun.


About 72 thousand years ago migrations ceased. This was due to the eruption of Mount Toba which blasted enough dust particles into the atmosphere equaling over 1000 Mount St. Helens. The fine dust particles remained in the upper atmosphere for many years, preventing the sun’s rays from reaching the ground. Plants and animals died almost everywhere, leaving only about 2 thousand out of 2 million people still alive. Those people who managed to survive were then isolated from other populations and their entire worlds were then limited to the areas they were living in. It was many years later before they once again became aware of the existence of other peoples. Only the younger, stronger and healthier people would have survived such a disaster. The deaths of the weaker elderly people (those possessing most of their knowledge) also meant the disappearance of that knowledge. The lives of the younger and healthier people remaining, who essentially possessed very little knowledge, would have been reduced to lives of hard existence.

Another belief of many scientists is that the continents of North and South America were totally devoid of human existence until about 13 thousand years ago. They believe that it was during the last ice age that the first people came across the land bridge from Asia to Alaska and from there migrated southward. It is true that people came across the land bridge that formed at that time. It is also true that the Eskimo people do closely resemble Mongolian people, so it is very likely that they are related. However, that does not explain the fact that some natives living in the United States had large noses, totally unlike Mongolians and Eskimos? Also, why do tribal people living in the Amazon jungle more closely resemble people living in tropical Asian countries that they do the Eskimo people?

Satellite view of Lake Toba, the caldera of the super volcano.
It is possible that the ancestors of these people came here much earlier than 13,000 years ago. Evidence has been found that tracks made by humans in volcanic ash and also that ashes in a cave fire were at least 40 thousand years old. Also, heads and facial features reconstructed from early skulls were found to definitely be of European origin. We don’t know exactly how these people
migrated to our continents but they did. Perhaps much evidence of early civilizations vanished with the explosion of Toba.


Billy, an old goat, is peacefully grazing on some lush new grass in the pasture. Although he is the only goat in the pasture, he is accompanied by a large herd of sheep. Billy has been around for a number of years and he is a pretty shrewd fellow, unlike the dumb sheep which follow him about everywhere he goes. All of the animals raised their heads when they heard a man in the distance calling, “Billy. Come here Billy”.

Billy knew that a special treat of grains and fruit would be awaiting him, so he willing headed towards the man, still followed by all of the sheep. The man opened a gate and Billy walked through it into the pen with the sheep close behind. When the last of the sheep had entered the gate, the man closed it behind them. He then opened a small side gate and let Billy out. Billy was given his special treat of grain and fruit.

The man, who was the owner of the ranch, signaled his helper to start letting the sheep enter through a swing gate into two separate chutes, one leading to building “A” and the other to building “B”. He called out as each of the sheep entered the swing gate. The sheep which were in prime condition entered the chute leading to building “A” while the sheep which were old, lame, or otherwise not in prime condition entered the chute leading to building ”B”.

After several hours the sheep which had entered building “A” exited the building, shorn of their fleece. They joined Billy, along with a number of young sheep, to once again graze in the pasture. The sheep which had entered building “B” were seen being herded into the rear of a large truck. A sign on the side of the truck read, “Hyram’s Quality Mutton”.

Mutton?  Mutton!!!
Billy is known as a “Judah’s Goat”, because he betrays those that follow him. The same name can also be applied to people who, as the leaders of other people, betray their followers by lying to them about their real intentions. Can you think of anyone to whom this name might apply? How about Barack Obama? He is followed by millions of people, willing to believe his words of wanting to help them by bringing them peace, prosperity, and good health through hope and change. However, his real intentions are to do away with our republic, founded by our forefathers in the Constitution, and to replace it with a socialist state where the government controls every aspect of our lives.

Our children and grandchildren will never know what a great country America was to live in and their standard of living will be much worse than what we have now. We will become a second class country, sharing the same fate as Greece, Rome, and other great civilizations that have fallen. All because people trusted one man who followed the dreams of his mentors, most of whom were communists.



Monday, August 24, 2015


The CLUB OF ROME is a very secretive society made up of no more than 100 members.  The membership is composed of former heads of state, royalty, and many other influential people, all of whom are socialists.  They believe that, through its greed, mankind is rapidly destroying itself and that it is their objective to prevent mankind from doing so.  They intend to end democracy and replace it with a society that is controlled by a one world order with they themselves in control of that one world order.

A quote from the CLUB OF ROME states, “The common enemy of humanity is man.  In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.  All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.  The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Where did the CLUB OF ROME come from and what are its intentions?  At first it was believed to be just another group of people wanting to establish a new world order.  The group was founded in 1968 by wealthy socialist David Rockefeller.  It describes itself as “a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity.”  Their recommendations made years ago are now adopted as official UN and government policy.  They claim that “we are facing an eminent catastrophic ecological collapse” and “our only hope is to transform humanity into a global interdependent sustainable society, based on respect and reverence for the Earth.”

Who are these members of the CLUB OF ROME, and its offspring groups, who wish to control the lives of the rest of humanity?  Some of the more well-known are listed as follows:

  • Al Gore – former Vice President of the United States who has made over 100 million dollars giving speeches condemning global warming.
  • Maurice Strong – Wealthy socialist who is a European counterpart of George Soros.  He was the former head of the UN Environment Program.  He dictates to the UN what should and shouldn’t be done.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev – Former Soviet dictator and Nobel Peace Prize winner.
  • Anne Ehrlich – She has authored books on human overpopulation and is a former director of both Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club.
  • Sir Crispin Tickell – Chairman of the Board of the Climate Institute.
  • Kofi Annan – Former Secretary General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
  • Gro Harlem Bruntland – Former president of Norway and now the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Change.                                                                                 The Dalai Lama – ‘Spiritual Leader’ of Tibet and also a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. 
  • David Rockefeller – A former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank who donated the land on which the United Nations now stands.
  • Stephen Schneider – A Stanford Professor of Biology and Global Change.  He was one of the earliest and most vocal proponents of man-made global warming.
  • Bill Clinton – Former United States president and well-known womanizer.
  • Jimmy Carter – His accomplishments:  Former president of the United States, cancelled U. S. participation in Olympics to protest Russian intervention in Mideast, assisted in helping to establish present form of government in Iran, did nothing to bring home Americans held hostage in Iran, pushed through bill allowing groups like ACORN to threaten loan institutions and force collapse of financial systems, resulting in the 2008 recession, helped build homes for fatherless families (known as Habitat for Humanity).
  • Bill Gates – Socialist billionaire who founded Microsoft and donates heavily to Democrat causes.
  • Ted Turner            
  • George Soros – The billionaire socialist who controls Obama.
  • Desmond Tutu – Activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.Henry Kissinger - Former U. S. Secretary of State.
  • Jane  Goodall
  • Numerous European royalty

Following are excerpts from the 1972 book presented by the CLUB OF ROME:
“If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged it will result in a sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.  It is possible to alter these growth trends.”  “There are only two ways to restore the resulting imbalance.  Either the birth rate must be brought down to equal the new, lower death rate, or the death rate must rise again.”

“It will be necessary to create a totally new form of human society.  The two missing ingredients are a realistic long-term goal that can guide mankind to the equilibrium society and the Human Will to achieve that goal.”  What they are proposing is that everyone must forget everything that he knows and believes in and blindly follow all the guidelines established by members of the CLUB OF ROME.  Otherwise, everything will collapse around us and we are doomed.

Another of their statements is as follows, “We are at the end of an era – a turning point in history.  We are approaching the threshold of runaway climate change.  We underline the urgency of radical action to reduce emissions, by both immediate action and longer-term measures, to stress to political leaders the non-linear nature of the processes at work which will generate sudden change; and to assert that the overriding priority must be to avert the impending risk of catastrophic climate change.”

They state that mankind, in order to be convinced to follow their suggestions, needs to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.   In searching for a new enemy to accomplish their objectives, they came up with a new enemy to unite people:  the threats of pollution, global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.

In 2008, the CLUB OF ROME predicted that if changes weren’t made, that within 4 or 5 years, or the year 2012 as predicted in the Mayan calendar, we would experience the end of the world as we know it.