Tuesday, August 25, 2015


(First written October 14, 2009)

  • The first cornerstone is to increase the ignorance of the people. 
  • The second cornerstone is to promote the immorality of the people. 
  • The third cornerstone is the destruction of our financial system. 
  • The fourth cornerstone is the weakening of our physical structure.

The socialists in our government are attempting to alter its basic structure from a capitalistic system, based on the Constitution, to that of a socialist society. They possess a fanatical belief that the government must control every aspect of our lives. They have been attempting to make this change for many years and now have accelerated their attempts. Since they realize that they cannot inform the American people outright of their plans, they have adapted a strategy of tricking the people into accepting socialism without the people actually knowing what is happening. How is it possible for these socialists to trick the people? It is far easier than most people realize because they are not aware of the changes being made. The change towards socialism is taking place by successfully employing the four cornerstones mentioned above and described in detail below.

This process is commonly known by the phrase “The dumbing down of the people”. It is not possible to make wise people dumber. However, the children and grandchildren of those older, wiser people are not being taught useful information. Most students now graduating from high school know very little math, grammar, history, geography or science. The education level of students in the United States has now fallen to the level of third world nations. The National Education Association has already been taken over by socialists and a few communists. History books have been rewritten to exclude those facts that refer to our independence and freedom. Instead, they now contain information explaining how the socialists wished events had happened rather than how they actually happened. Some examples are: Christopher Columbus came to America to enslave the native people. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were evil men because they owned slaves, Negroes were the people actually responsible for most of our inventions, and other ridiculous articles. Studies on world geography are essentially nonexistent. English and mathematics are being taught in ways which make learning these subjects boring and difficult to understand. Current events studies favor socialist articles and either omit or discourage learning the truth. The net result of these changes is that a large number of people, who are middle-aged or younger, are totally ignorant about most subjects. To make matters even worse, many of these people are not only ignorant but they are also not concerned about what is happening around the world. These are
the people whom the Socialists are able to fool into believing that socialist programs are good for them. With the success of this cornerstone, it has become much easier for the socialists in power to convince the people that the other cornerstones to establishing socialism are best for them and the country.

We have always had some people with low moral standards. During the 1930’s, 1940’s, and 1950’s this type of behavior was strictly not tolerated by the general population and there were not that many of the “bad guys”. However, since that period of time, socialists have made changes by imposing restrictions on our police and courts that have been favorable to the criminals. Many judges are socialists who ignore the Constitution and instead make decisions based on their personal beliefs. This is true of some members now sitting on the Supreme Court. Also, acts of immorality which are not criminal in nature have actually been encouraged. Most movie actors and actresses think nothing of committing sinful acts such as drunkenness, drug use, and adultery. And yet, their adoring fans still think highly of them and try to emulate their ways. During World War II everyone would pick up hitchhiking servicemen on leave. Now, many hitchhikers are criminals who could likely kill you to take your car. Children were able to play in their own neighborhoods without fear of being harmed. People are no longer allowed to practice their own religion in public but must remain confined to their own churches and homes. How long will it be before even that is also banned? The practice of lying to the public in the media is highly encouraged, for this is the way in which socialism is spread.
These first two cornerstones have already been successfully completed by the socialist leaders of our country. At this time they are feverishly working to complete the next two.

This destruction, sad to say, began during the administration of President George W. Bush. He wasn’t personally responsible but he was very naïve and he surrounded himself with financial advisors who were actually working with the socialists to help destroy our financial system. While they were betraying Bush, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and the group ACORN were actively destroying the housing industry by forcing the banking institutions to lend money to people who could not pay the mortgages and actually had no intention of doing so. There was a young black leader who helped to organize the group ACORN. How was ACORN responsible for this financial collapse? President Jimmy Carter signed a bill allowing groups to invade mortgage companies and force them to grant loans to poor people. ACORN took advantage of this bill and helped bring about the financial collapse. The name of the leader who organized ACORN is Barack Obama. This man, who is by far the worst president in history, still blames Bush for the financial collapse while making every effort he can do as President to hinder the economy. These same socialists then pushed through the legislation to loan money to banks, car manufacturers, and especially to unions for their retirement benefits. Now the government is actively pursuing two other avenues of government control. The first is to take over the health care system, controlling the actions of the doctors and hospitals and the care of the patients. They plan to pay for the program by reducing benefits to people, especially the aged, and obtaining the money for the program by imposing fines, penalties, and taxes on nearly everyone. The second further avenue of government control of our financial system is through the fraudulent global warming project. The truth is that mankind does absolutely nothing to affect global climate change. That is caused by the heat received from the sun and by other factors such as volcanic activity and ocean current changes. The socialist leaders know that this is a lie but they are still continuing to pursue the issue because the money that they will get from the people through increased fuel costs will finance their push to bring us into total socialist government control of the people. There will be enormous fines placed on power companies and other industries. If you now pay $200 to $300 a month for your power bill, expect to pay $400 to $600 a month. Middle income people will severely feel the effects of this program. However, low income people well be thoroughly devastated and will have to do without heat in the winter and air conditioning in the summer. Increased transportation costs will cause much higher prices in foods and other commodities.

Starting with President Jimmy Carter, all of our socialist presidents have sought to weaken our military to the point that they are no longer an effective deterrent against aggression. It required the efforts of the incoming Republican administrations to rebuild our military. We no longer have a strong manufacturing economy and have become a nation of importers instead. During the Second World War we were able to convert our civilian manufacturing plants into wartime facilities. Now we no longer even have that option as we now import almost everything from China. Socialists refuse to allow our oil companies to drill for more oil on public lands. This oil is readily available. Environmentalists are not allowing companies to build new refineries to process oil. We need to produce most of our oil so that we are no longer dependent on oil from the mid-east. This is being done in the cause of environmentalism which is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the American people.

When these four cornerstones have been completed we will then be a completely socialist nation. What does that mean? It means that the socialist leaders will have the power to do away with everything that our ancestors have fought for. The Constitution will be replaced with the Socialist Manifesto, the government will control all manufacturing, people will receive wages determined by the government and not by self-interest, religion will be limited to secret meeting places, ambition will be eliminated, and this country will become a second-rate nation dictated to by other socialist nations. People will have to endure a lifestyle of just getting by and will no longer have anything to look forward to. We will then no longer enjoy the freedom of living in the greatest country on earth.

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