Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Many people in the science community claim that modern man originated in Africa and migrated from there to other parts of the world. Those people migrating out of Africa would have had dark skin coloring, dark eyes and black hair, all of which are the result of possessing dominant genes. Many people in northern climates tend to have fair skin coloring, blue eyes and blond hair, all of which are the result of possessing recessive genes. People with dominant genes cannot produce offspring with recessive genes. If there had not been any humans living north of Africa, then it would have been impossible for Negroes to have produced Caucasian and Oriental people. Furthermore, If people having only dominant genes mate with people having only recessive genes their children will each have both dominant and recessive genes. However, these children will not have blue eyes and blond hair. It is only when people with both dominant and recessive genes mate will some of their children have a chance to have traits caused by recessive genes.

Louis Leakey located early specimens of human-like life forms in Africa. He chose to dig in the location of the African rift where the ground from long ago was uplifted by the upheaval in the rift. Also, the arid climate was ideal for preserving specimens. Therefore, this was a logical location to look for evidence of life from long ago. Perhaps if people were to dig in other locations around the world deep enough they may be able to find similar specimens. It is probable that early human life could have first occurred in other areas of the world (such as in Iraq in the fertile delta area surrounded by rivers) and migrated outward from there into Europe, Africa and other parts of Asia. That would certainly explain why dominant and recessive genes occur in certain areas around the world.

Approximate dispersal of Y-Chromosome Markers

People migrating northward would tend to develop fair skin coloring and hair because that area was colder with shorter days. People who migrated to eastern Asia probably developed slightly darker skins and eyes that were narrower to adjust to windy conditions. People who migrated into hot regions, such as Africa and India, would have developed dark skins to protect them from the intense rays of the sun.


About 72 thousand years ago migrations ceased. This was due to the eruption of Mount Toba which blasted enough dust particles into the atmosphere equaling over 1000 Mount St. Helens. The fine dust particles remained in the upper atmosphere for many years, preventing the sun’s rays from reaching the ground. Plants and animals died almost everywhere, leaving only about 2 thousand out of 2 million people still alive. Those people who managed to survive were then isolated from other populations and their entire worlds were then limited to the areas they were living in. It was many years later before they once again became aware of the existence of other peoples. Only the younger, stronger and healthier people would have survived such a disaster. The deaths of the weaker elderly people (those possessing most of their knowledge) also meant the disappearance of that knowledge. The lives of the younger and healthier people remaining, who essentially possessed very little knowledge, would have been reduced to lives of hard existence.

Another belief of many scientists is that the continents of North and South America were totally devoid of human existence until about 13 thousand years ago. They believe that it was during the last ice age that the first people came across the land bridge from Asia to Alaska and from there migrated southward. It is true that people came across the land bridge that formed at that time. It is also true that the Eskimo people do closely resemble Mongolian people, so it is very likely that they are related. However, that does not explain the fact that some natives living in the United States had large noses, totally unlike Mongolians and Eskimos? Also, why do tribal people living in the Amazon jungle more closely resemble people living in tropical Asian countries that they do the Eskimo people?

Satellite view of Lake Toba, the caldera of the super volcano.
It is possible that the ancestors of these people came here much earlier than 13,000 years ago. Evidence has been found that tracks made by humans in volcanic ash and also that ashes in a cave fire were at least 40 thousand years old. Also, heads and facial features reconstructed from early skulls were found to definitely be of European origin. We don’t know exactly how these people
migrated to our continents but they did. Perhaps much evidence of early civilizations vanished with the explosion of Toba.

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