Monday, August 24, 2015


The CLUB OF ROME is a very secretive society made up of no more than 100 members.  The membership is composed of former heads of state, royalty, and many other influential people, all of whom are socialists.  They believe that, through its greed, mankind is rapidly destroying itself and that it is their objective to prevent mankind from doing so.  They intend to end democracy and replace it with a society that is controlled by a one world order with they themselves in control of that one world order.

A quote from the CLUB OF ROME states, “The common enemy of humanity is man.  In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.  All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.  The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Where did the CLUB OF ROME come from and what are its intentions?  At first it was believed to be just another group of people wanting to establish a new world order.  The group was founded in 1968 by wealthy socialist David Rockefeller.  It describes itself as “a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity.”  Their recommendations made years ago are now adopted as official UN and government policy.  They claim that “we are facing an eminent catastrophic ecological collapse” and “our only hope is to transform humanity into a global interdependent sustainable society, based on respect and reverence for the Earth.”

Who are these members of the CLUB OF ROME, and its offspring groups, who wish to control the lives of the rest of humanity?  Some of the more well-known are listed as follows:

  • Al Gore – former Vice President of the United States who has made over 100 million dollars giving speeches condemning global warming.
  • Maurice Strong – Wealthy socialist who is a European counterpart of George Soros.  He was the former head of the UN Environment Program.  He dictates to the UN what should and shouldn’t be done.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev – Former Soviet dictator and Nobel Peace Prize winner.
  • Anne Ehrlich – She has authored books on human overpopulation and is a former director of both Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club.
  • Sir Crispin Tickell – Chairman of the Board of the Climate Institute.
  • Kofi Annan – Former Secretary General of the United Nations and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
  • Gro Harlem Bruntland – Former president of Norway and now the United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Change.                                                                                 The Dalai Lama – ‘Spiritual Leader’ of Tibet and also a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. 
  • David Rockefeller – A former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank who donated the land on which the United Nations now stands.
  • Stephen Schneider – A Stanford Professor of Biology and Global Change.  He was one of the earliest and most vocal proponents of man-made global warming.
  • Bill Clinton – Former United States president and well-known womanizer.
  • Jimmy Carter – His accomplishments:  Former president of the United States, cancelled U. S. participation in Olympics to protest Russian intervention in Mideast, assisted in helping to establish present form of government in Iran, did nothing to bring home Americans held hostage in Iran, pushed through bill allowing groups like ACORN to threaten loan institutions and force collapse of financial systems, resulting in the 2008 recession, helped build homes for fatherless families (known as Habitat for Humanity).
  • Bill Gates – Socialist billionaire who founded Microsoft and donates heavily to Democrat causes.
  • Ted Turner            
  • George Soros – The billionaire socialist who controls Obama.
  • Desmond Tutu – Activist and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.Henry Kissinger - Former U. S. Secretary of State.
  • Jane  Goodall
  • Numerous European royalty

Following are excerpts from the 1972 book presented by the CLUB OF ROME:
“If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged it will result in a sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.  It is possible to alter these growth trends.”  “There are only two ways to restore the resulting imbalance.  Either the birth rate must be brought down to equal the new, lower death rate, or the death rate must rise again.”

“It will be necessary to create a totally new form of human society.  The two missing ingredients are a realistic long-term goal that can guide mankind to the equilibrium society and the Human Will to achieve that goal.”  What they are proposing is that everyone must forget everything that he knows and believes in and blindly follow all the guidelines established by members of the CLUB OF ROME.  Otherwise, everything will collapse around us and we are doomed.

Another of their statements is as follows, “We are at the end of an era – a turning point in history.  We are approaching the threshold of runaway climate change.  We underline the urgency of radical action to reduce emissions, by both immediate action and longer-term measures, to stress to political leaders the non-linear nature of the processes at work which will generate sudden change; and to assert that the overriding priority must be to avert the impending risk of catastrophic climate change.”

They state that mankind, in order to be convinced to follow their suggestions, needs to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for the purpose.   In searching for a new enemy to accomplish their objectives, they came up with a new enemy to unite people:  the threats of pollution, global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.

In 2008, the CLUB OF ROME predicted that if changes weren’t made, that within 4 or 5 years, or the year 2012 as predicted in the Mayan calendar, we would experience the end of the world as we know it.


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